Tag Archives: Ldap
How to install PHP5, OCI8, GD, LDAP, ZEND on linux
This note apply to Red-Hat linux 64, but it’s close for all linux version. 1. Download and install RPM’s from Oracle Site : http://oss.oracle.com/projects/php/files/EL5/x86_64 oracle-instantclient11.2-basic- php53-5.3.8-1.el5.x86_64.rpm php53-cli-5.3.8-1.el5.x86_64.rpm php53-common-5.3.8-1.el5.x86_64.rpm php53-gd-5.3.8-1.el5.x86_64.rpm php53-ldap-5.3.8-1.el5.x86_64.rpm php53-oci8-11gR2-5.3.8-1.el5.x86_64.rpm install using : rpm -ivh 2. Create log dir : mkdir -p /etc/php.d/logs 3. Modify the php.ini : (/etc/php.ini) 3.1 Enable […]
Error WWC-41417 Oracle Portal user cannot login
This note apply to Oracle Portal 10.1.4. When a user is deleted then re-created in OID, the internally generated orclguid value for the user entry changes. Portal stores the orclguid value for the user in the Portal wwsec_person$.guid field and if the value stored does not match the orclguid value in OID then the […]
Materialized View with OID users data
Sometimes you need access users data of OID to integrate with other systems, follow bellow how to do: 1. Create Types : CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE LDAP_USU_TABLE is table of LDAP_USU_ROW; / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE LDAP_USU_ROW as object (login varchar2(200), name varchar2(200), mail varchar2(200), phone varchar2(200)); / […]