Tag Archives: 11g

How to test Multicast CLUSTER INTERCONNECT on Oracle Database 11g R2

This note apply to Oracle Database .   Sometimes the Interconnect latency is high. If one instance is down and when try to restart this instance, the CSS daemon can’t start, and when ran the “crsctl stat res -t -init” the status showed forever “starting”. The error of CSSD : 2010-09-16 23:13:15.839: [ CSSD][1087465792]clssnmvDHBValidateNCopy: […]

How to uninstall Oracle database 11g

This note apply to linux version and Oracle Database RAC or Standalone.   1. First of all uninstall the database and after grid: To uninstall the database run as oracle user : $ORACLE_HOME/deinstall/deinstall This script will require at the end of process, to run other script as root user.     2. After uninstall the […]