Error Messages ORA-32800 to ORA-32848

ORA-32800 to ORA-32848


ORA-32800: internal error string
Cause: An unexpected error occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-32801: invalid value string for string
Cause: An invalid value was specified for a parameter.
Action: Specify a valid value for the parameter.

ORA-32802: value for string must be string
Cause: An invalid value was specified for a parameter.
Action: Specify the value as indicated by the message.

ORA-32803: value for string cannot be altered
Cause: An attempt was made to alter a value that cannot be altered.
Action: Retry the operation without altering the indicated value.

ORA-32804: invalid value string, string should have form string
Cause: A value specified for a parameter has the incorrect form.
Action: Specify a string of the correct form.

ORA-32805: identifier for string too long, maximum length is string characters
Cause: An identifier string exceeded the maximum allowed length.
Action: Specify a string whose length is less than the maximum allowed length.

ORA-32806: value for string is too long, maximum length is string
Cause: A value exceeded it”s maximum allowed length.
Action: Specify a value whose length is less than the maximum allowed length.

ORA-32807: message system link string already exists
Cause: A message system link of the specified name already exists.
Action: Specify a different name.

ORA-32808: message system link string does not exist
Cause: A message system link of the specified name does not exist.
Action: Specify a message system link name that already exists.

ORA-32809: foreign queue string is already registered
Cause: The foreign queue has already been registered for this message system link
Action: Specify a different name that is not being used for this message system

ORA-32810: foreign queue string is not registered
Cause: The foreign queue (NAME@MSGLINK) has not been registered for this
message system link.
Action: Specify the name of a registered foreign queue.

ORA-32811: subscriber string already exists
Cause: The specified subscriber identifier already exists.
Action: Specify a different identifier.

ORA-32812: subscriber string does not exist
Cause: The specified subscriber identifier does not exist.
Action: Specify an existing subscriber identifier.

ORA-32813: propagation schedule string already exists
Cause: The specified propagation schedule identifer already exists.
Action: Specify a different identifier.

ORA-32814: propagation schedule string does not exist
Cause: The specified propagation schedule identifier does not exist.
Action: Specify a schedule identifier that already exists.

ORA-32815: message system link string is referenced by a foreign queue
Cause: An attempt was made to remove a message system link currently
referenced by one or more registered foreign queues.
Action: Unregister all foreign queues using this message system link and retry the

ORA-32816: foreign queue string is referenced by a subscriber or schedule
Cause: An attempt was made to unregister a foreign queue currently referenced
by one or more subscribers or propagation schedules.
Action: Remove all subscribers and propagation schedules using this foreign
queue and retry the operation.

ORA-32817: message system link string is not configured with a log queue for string
Cause: An attempt was made to add a propagation subscriber but the message
system link was not configured with a log queue for the indicated propagation
Action: Alter the message system link to configure the link with a log queue for
this propagation type.

ORA-32818: AQ queue string does not exist
Cause: An operation was attempted where the specified AQ queue does not exist.
Action: Specify the name of an existing AQ queue.

ORA-32819: AQ queue string must be a normal queue
Cause: An operation was attempted where the specified AQ queue exists but is
not a normal queue.
Action: Specify the name of an AQ queue which was created as a normal queue

ORA-32820: subscriber queue and exception queue must use same message system
Cause: An operation was attempted for INBOUND propagation where the
specified subscriber queue and exception queue reference different message
system links.
Action: Specify an exception queue that is a registered foreign queue of the same
message system link as the subscriber queue.

ORA-32821: subscriber queue and exception queue must have same payload type
Cause: An operation was attempted for OUTBOUND propagation where the AQ
queues used for the subscriber queue and exception queue have different payload
Action: Specify an exception queue that has the same payload type as the
subscriber queue.

ORA-32822: subscriber string is marked for removal
Cause: An administration operation was attempted for a subscriber which is
marked for removal. If attempting to remove a subscriber, the Messaging Gateway
agent is not running or is running but unable to remove the subscriber at this time.
Action: Do not issue propagation administration commands for a subscriber for
which removal is pending. Wait for the subscriber to be removed by the agent or
issue REMOVE_SUBSCRIBER with the FORCE option to force the subscriber to be

ORA-32823: subscriber exists for queue string and destination string
Cause: An attempt was made to create a propagation subscriber when one
already exists for the specified queue and destination pair.
Action: Specify a different queue and destination pair, or remove the subscriber
using that pair and retry the operation.

ORA-32824: schedule exists for source string and destination string
Cause: An attempt was made to create a propagation schedule when one already
exists for the specified source and destination pair.
Action: Specify a different source and destination pair, or remove the schedule
using that pair and retry the operation.

ORA-32825: Messaging Gateway agent has not been started
Cause: An attempt was made to shut down the Messaging Gateway agent when it
is not started.
Action: No action required.

ORA-32826: Messaging Gateway agent has already been started
Cause: An attempt was made to start the Messaging Gateway agent when it is
already started.
Action: No action required.

ORA-32827: Messaging Gateway agent must be shut down
Cause: An operation was attempted that requires the Messaging Gateway agent
to be shut down.
Action: Issue SHUTDOWN, wait for MGW_GATEWAY view to show a NOT_
STARTED status, and retry the operation. CLEANUP_GATEWAY may need to be
issued to reset the gateway state if the agent fails to shut down after a reasonable
time period.

ORA-32828: Messaging Gateway agent must be running
Cause: An operation was attempted that requires the Messaging Gateway agent
to be started and responsive.
Action: Issue STARTUP, wait for MGW_GATEWAY view to show a RUNNING
status, and retry the operation.

ORA-32829: Messaging Gateway agent cannot be shut down while it is starting
Cause: An attempt was made to shut down the Messaging Gateway agent when it
is in the process of starting and initializing.
Action: Wait for MGW_GATEWAY view to show a RUNNING status and retry
the operation. CLEANUP_GATEWAY may need to be issued to reset the gateway
state if the agent fails to start after a reasonable time period.

ORA-32830: result code string returned by Messaging Gateway agent
Cause: The Messaging Gateway agent terminated abnormally due to an
unexpected error.
Action: Review the Messaging Gateway log file for further information regarding
the problem. Resolve the problem and start the Messaging Gateway agent. Contact
Oracle Support Services if the problem cannot be resolved.

ORA-32831: timed out trying to acquire administration lock
Cause: A timeout occurred when attempting an administration operation. Either
an administration operation was attempted while the Messaging Gateway agent
was starting and initializing, or two administration operations were attempted at
the same time.
Action: Retry the operation. If the Messaging Gateway agent is starting, wait for
MGW_GATEWAY view to show a RUNNING status and retry the operation.

ORA-32832: failure string trying to acquire administration lock
Cause: An unexpected error occurred trying to acquire administration lock.
Action: Retry the operation. Contact Oracle Support Services if the error persists.

ORA-32833: failure string trying to release administration lock
Cause: An unexpected error occurred trying to release administration lock.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services if the error persists.

ORA-32834: Messaging Gateway agent user has not been set
Cause: A Messaging Gateway agent user has not been configured.
Action: Create a database user having role MGW_AGENT_ROLE and issue DB_
CONNECT_INFO to configure an agent user.

ORA-32835: database user string does not exist
Cause: The specified database user does not currently exist.
Action: Create the user and grant all necessary privileges and roles.

ORA-32836: database user string must be granted role string
Cause: The specified database user does not have a required role.
Action: Grant the user the indicated role.

ORA-32837: invalid configuration state string
Cause: The specified configuration state is invalid.
Action: Remove and re-create the configured entities. Contact Oracle Support
Services if the problem cannot be identified or resolved.

ORA-32838: exceeded maximum number of properties
Cause: An attempt was made to alter a property list where the number of
properties in the resulting list exceeds the maximum allowed.
Action: Order the elements of the alter list differently so the number of elements
in the resulting list is less than the maximum.

ORA-32839: property string is reserved, names with MGWPROP$_ prefix are not
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a reserved name for a property name.
Action: Use a non-reserved name.

ORA-32840: property name cannot be NULL
Cause: An attempt was made to use NULL for a property name.
Action: Specify a non-NULL name.

ORA-32841: invalid value for property string
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid value for a property.
Action: Specify a valid property value.

ORA-32842: value for property string cannot be altered
Cause: An attempt was made to alter a property that cannot be altered.
Action: Retry the operation without altering the indicated property.

ORA-32843: value for string is outside the valid range of string to string
Cause: A value was specified that is not in the valid range.
Action: Specify a value within the indicated range.

ORA-32844: exceeded maximum number of string values
Cause: An attempt was made to add a value of the specified type but the
maximum number of such values has been reached.
Action: No action required.

ORA-32845: Messaging Gateway agent is already running
Cause: An attempt was made to start the Messaging Gateway agent when an
agent instance is already running.
Action: Shut down the Messaging Gateway agent currently running, verify the
agent process has been terminated, and start the Messaging Gateway agent.

ORA-32846: Messaging Gateway agent cannot be started; status is string
Cause: An attempt to start the Messaging Gateway agent failed due to the
indicated agent status. A BROKEN status indicates a problem that requires user
intervention before the agent can be started.
Action: Review the MGW_GATEWAY view and the Messaging Gateway log file
for further information. Resolve the problem and start the Messaging Gateway
agent. Contact Oracle Support Services if the problem cannot be resolved.

ORA-32847: operation is not supported on this platform
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation that is not supported on
this platform.
Action: Switch to a platform on which the operation is supported.

ORA-32848: foreign queue DOMAIN required for JMS unified connections
Cause: A DOMAIN was not specified when registering a foreign queue for a
messaging system link that is configured to use the JMS unified messaging model.
Action: Specify a non-NULL value for the DOMAIN parameter.


Good Luck !

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